Yesterday, I walked into the bank to do a transaction for work. One of the tellers turned around and saw me. She said, “wow, Donna, you look like you’re ready for a fight.” I said no, I’m fine. She said “well you really looked mad when you came in.” The last thing I want to do is give off a “leave me alone” attitude.
I was really thankful that she said something to me. It made me think about how others perceive us. I’m not the kind of person who is always walking around with a smile. The Lord has been dealing with me about this for some time. Not that I always need to smile but I’m usually rushing around just focusing on the next task. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks or any old woman. It made me think – what is my face saying? I want it to be welcoming and friendly to others.
As I was writing I received an email from a family member, talking about a get together this weekend. It ended with the words, “It will be great to be together and laugh for a while!” That’s what my face needs, a good laugh. How about you?
… happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
Have a happy day,
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