Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
I am so grateful for the Bible. There was a time in my life when I knew nothing about the Word of God. I am so thankful that the Lord saved me by His Word. I am truly thankful that I can still read and study the word of God. There are many countries that do not allow the Bible to be read.
I thank God daily for the ability to hold his word in my hands. There is a reason why we are told to “hid God’s word in our hearts” there may be a time that we will not have God’s written Word. Do not think it cannot happen in the United States. Remember there is evil on man’s heart continually. (Genesis 6:5)
A few Facts about the Bible:
· It was one of the prohibited items not allowed in the Olympic Village during the 2008 Beijing Games.
· Wycliffe Bible translators have had a part in completing more than 700 Scripture translations.
· The Bible is the #1 book on the list of best selling books of all time. It is speculated that as many as 6 billion copies of the Bible have been sold. The Bible is available in more than 2,000 languages.
· According to Voice of the Martyrs there are approximately 48 restricted nations. The definition according to VOM is :
This includes countries where government policy or practice prevents Christians from obtaining Bibles or other Christian literature. Also included are countries where government-sanctioned circumstances or anti-Christian laws lead to Christians being harassed, imprisoned, killed or deprived of possessions or liberties because of their witness.
· NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK 2010: Sunday, November 21 through Sunday, November 28.
National Bible Association’s signature event has been celebrated the week of Thanksgiving every year since 1941. Our goal is to raise awareness of the Bible’s importance and relevance to our nation as a whole, as well as in the lives of individuals.
I found it fitting that national Bible week is always held during Thanksgiving week.
Today as I was sitting in church I thought of how truly blessed I am to be living in a free country. I can attend the church of my choice. I can read and study God’s Word. I can own as many Bibles as I want and will not be punished or penalized for it.
I thank God for His Precious Word.
Giving Thanks,
God Resists the Proud
4 years ago
Thank you for mentioning Wycliffe Bible Translators in your post!