Veteran’s day is a day we set aside to honor the veterans of our country. The men and women who unselfishly gave of themselves to serve this country. The people who have fought the battles so you and I could have liberty. Some have not come back, some will never come back, and many bear the scars of war for the rest of their lives. These men and women deserve our utmost thanks.
My son served in Iraq and Kuwait. My daughter in law has been in the military for 18 years and has served in many places, during war and during peace.
Our family has been to Washington D.C. a number of times, each time visiting a different place of interest. A few years ago we stopped there on the way to Florida. It was Mother’s Day weekend. One of the places I wanted to see was the Vietnam wall. We started the walk along the wall viewing names, it was a very somber time. Words escape me, I was deeply moved, especially since I lived during that era. We walked quietly along taking in all the sights and sounds around us. There was not a word spoken between us.
A short distance away I noticed a statue. We walked toward it, the statue was dedicated to the women who served during the Vietnam War. The sculpture was decorated with wreaths, it was Mother’s Day. My eyes filled up. The soldiers and volunteers were not just fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, and nephews but also mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and nieces. War affects all of us. I have never been to war but I know many who have. It is a trying and hard time for all, soldiers as well as family members.
The veterans of our country are brave, strong, able and willing men and women. Whether they served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Dessert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan or another unnamed conflict, take time today to thank a veteran. It is because of them we are able to live in a free country.
A great big GIANT THANK YOU for your service, I truly appreciate it.
Have a thankful day,
God Resists the Proud
4 years ago
This was a sweet and thoughtful post! Stopped by to say hi and thanks for making my soup!